Adopt a Grove

Adopting a Grove


    A native Hawaiian forest is a mix of canopy trees (mainly koa and ohia lehua), a middle story of smaller trees and shrubs, and a bottom layer consisting of ferns and berries. See Hawaii's Forests for more information.

    When you adopt a grove, we will plant a small grove of native Hawaiian forest plants in an area of several hundred square feet. Over the years, it will grow into and merge with the larger forest ecosystem at Ahu Lani Sanctuary.

Canopy trees will include several each of:

koa (Acacia koa)

ohia lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha)

Middle story plants will be selected from this list:

akia (Wikstroemia uva-ursi)

forest ohelo (Vaccinium calycinum)

hame (Antidesma platyphyllum and pulvinatum)

hapuu (tree fern: Cibotium glaucum, menziesii, & chamoissoi)

hoio (Diplazium sandwichianum)

ie ie vine (Freycinetia arborea)

ilima (Sida fallax)

kaluaha (Astelia menziesiana)

kanawao (Broussaisia arguta)

kawau (Ilex anomala)

kolea lau lii (Myrsine sandwicensis)

kolea lau nui (Myrsine lessertiana)

kopiko (Psychotria hawaiiensis and mauiensis)

loulu (Pritchardia lanigera)

ma'o hau hele (Hibiscus brackenridgei)

mamaki (Pipturus albidus)

manono (Hedyotis terminalis)

mountain naupaka (Scaevola chamissoniana)

naio (Myoporum sandwicense)

oha (Clermontia montis-loa & parviflora)

ohia ai or Mountain Apple (Eugenia malaccensis)

olapa (Cheirodendrum trigynum)

olomea (Perrottetia sandwicensis)

papala kepau (Pisonia brunoniana)

pilo (Coprosma rhynchocarpa)

Ferns and other bottom plants will be selected from this list:

palapalai (Microlepia strigosa)

Wallich's woodfern (Dryopteris wallichiana)


Cyrtandra platyphylla

akala (Rubus hawaiiensis)

maile (Alyxia oliviformis)

Hawaiian mint (Stenogyne calaminthoides)

poke berry (Phytolacca)

Plant selections will be made by our senior horticulturist in consultation with you or your recipient.

What does it cost?

Adopt-a-Grove costs $2500 per grove.

What do I receive?

--A Certificate of Adoption for your grove framed in koa wood and containing a picture of your newly planted grove and its GPS coordinates.

--An 8 X 10 acrylic sign identifying your grove with your personalized message on it

--A visit to your grove next time you (or your recipient) are on the Big Island of Hawaii

Ready to Adopt a Grove?? Click here for the Adopt-A-Grove order form.

Want to do more than plant one tree?

How about adopting a grove consisting of at least 25 newly planted native Hawaiian plants?

From understory to canopy, this established grove is located at Ahu Lani Sanctuary.

A beautiful grove of ohia lehua at Ahu Lani Sanctuary

Ahu Lani Sanctuary

PO Box 1428

Honoka’a, HI

